The primary goal of pre-workout nutrition is to fuel your workout and provide your body what it needs to be in an optimal state to maximize the anabolic effect of your workout. Secondary goals include increasing blood flow to maximize transient sarcoplasmic hypertrophy (the pump) and to provide a small central nervous system "boost" to get you in the right mind set.
The vast majority of pre-workout supplements are full of articial sweeteners and colors and contain "proprietary blends" so that they can hide the fact that they don't really include truly effective doses of the actual ingredients that work. Instead they are packed full of stimulants which elicit a stress response and make your workout catabolic, meaning you LOSE MUSCLE.
This MindPump do-it-yourself stack has real world effective doses of amino acids and ingredients that actually work and NOTHING ELSE. Bottom line by mixing your own pre-workout formula you will KNOW exactly what's in it and will avoid the unhealthy crap that is used to make most commerical pre-workouts taste good. Not to mention you will save a LOT of money.
We remove the mystery to what goes into an effective pre-workout.
Take charge of what you fuel your body with. Click the green button and get your formula now!
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