Occlusion Training Guide

Occlusion Training Is A Scientifically Proven Way For You To Build More Muscle WITHOUT Lifting Heavy Weights & An Almost Magical Way To Kick-Start Growth In Your Lagging Body Parts (The Ones That Just Don't Seem To Respond To Traditional Training Routines...)
Want to build more muscle? Find better ways to force your body to adapt. Venous Blood Flow Restriction (VBFR), also known as Occlusion Training, provides another powerful tool for you to use to accelerate muscle growth.
The MindPump "Occlusion Training Guide" Shows You Step-By-Step HOW To Safely Use Occlusion To Reach Your Muscle Building Goals In Record Time
Contained In This Guide:
- Why Occlusion Training gives you significantly more muscle, more strength & more endurance than using only traditional workout methods
- Detailed instructions on how to perform Occlusion Training workouts from start to finish
- Demonstration video that shows exactly how to occlude your muscles
- How to use Occlusion Training to bring up your slowest growing, lagging body parts
- How Sal, Adam & Justin of MindPump personally use Occlusion Training
- Full Money Back Guarantee!