Are You Looking to Maximize the Fat Loss Benefits of Using a GLP-1 But Are Concerned About Muscle Loss, Negative Side Effects & a Post GLP-1 Body Fat Rebound?
GLP-1s: Blessing or CURSE?
GLP-1s are being marketed as an effortless, sure-fire way to lose fat BUT they are not without risk. In fact, there is a high chance you will experience one or more of the following:
Excessive muscle loss
Fat regain once use is discontinued
A slowed metabolism
Lifetime dependence on GLP-1s
Avoid The Pitfalls & Set Yourself Up for Success

GLP-1s are a TOOL, not a solution. When used correctly they can assist with fat loss and set the stage for keeping fat off for a lifetime. Used incorrectly, you can lose excessive muscle, slow your metabolism & not set yourself up for long-term success post GLP-1.
Whether you are currently using a GLP-1 or intend to use one, MAPS GLP-1 Coaching will help you maximize your success.
What's Included In Your GLP-1 Coaching

FREE Access to the soon to be released MAPS GLP-1 program
- Fully planned stength training workout especially designed for individuals using a GLP-1 peptide. Complete with exercises, sets, reps & video demos
- Dietary guidance designed to minimize metabolism slowdown & maximize muscle gain
- Lifestyle & behavior guidance designed to maximize the benefits & minimize the negatives of GLP-1 usage.

Live Weekly Group Check-ins With the Mind Pump Team

Twice a Month Live Education & Q&A With GLP-1 Experts Dr. William Seeds, Dr. Tyna Moore & Other Experts

VIP Fast-Track service & 30% GLP-1 Discount from Transcend

Private Facebook Group Exclusive for the GLP-1 Coaching Community